Namespace Oqtane.Models
TODO: Please document what this namespace is for.
- Culture
Culture information describing a Culture
- Database
Information about a Database used in the current Oqtane installation
- File
Describes a File in Oqtane
- Folder
Describes a Folder in Oqtane
- Installation
Internal message used internally during installation.
Each part of the installation will return the status / message when installing.
- Log
A log entry in the events log.
- Module
Describes a Module Instance which will be shown on a page. This is different from a ModuleDefinition which describes a Module.
- ModuleContent
Generic Model for Module-Contents to enable Import/Export of the Module-Data
- ModuleDefinition
Describes a Module type (Definition) in Oqtane. The available Modules are determined at StartUp.
- Notification
Notification for a User - usually meant to be sent as an E-Mail.
- Package
A software Package for installation.
- Page
Describes a Page in Oqtane
- Permission
Permission information for anything in Oqtane. Things in Oqtane are identified as Entities, so anything that can be identified can be described here.
- Profile
A single Profile Property information of a User.
So a user will have many of these to fully describe his Profile.
- RequestCulture
Culture information describing a Culture
- Resource
Resource Objects describe a JavaScript or CSS file which is needed by the Module to work.
- Role
Describes a Security Role in Oqtane.
- Route
A route is comprised of multiple components ( some optional depending on context ) {scheme}://{hostname}/{aliaspath}/{pagepath}/*/{moduleid}/{action}/!/{urlparameters}?{query}#{fragment}
- Sitemap
Describes a Sitemap
- Template
model for defining metadata for a Module or Theme template
- Tenant
Describes a Tenant in Oqtane. Tenants can contain multiple Sites and have all their data in a separate Database.
- Theme
Information about a Theme in Oqtane.
- UrlMapping
Describes a UrlMapping in Oqtane.
- User
Describes a User in Oqtane.
- Visitor
Describes a Visitor in Oqtane.
- IAuditable
Basic create/edit information - used in many objects.
- IDeletable
Audit information for things than can be deleted.