Namespace Oqtane.Services
Use the Oqtane Services to retrieve or change information about the system or context. You will use this a lot.
- IAliasService
Service to retrieve and store Alias information.
- IDatabaseService
Service to retrieve Database information.
- IFileService
Service to get / create / upload / download files.
- IFolderService
Service to get / create / modify Folder objects.
- IInstallationService
Service to manage (install master database / upgrade version / etc.) the installation
- IJobLogService
Service to read the job schedule log
- IJobService
Service to manage jobs (Job)
- ILanguageService
Service to manage Language entries
- ILocalizationCookieService
Service to set localization cookie
- ILocalizationService
Service to retrieve localizations (Culture)
- ILogService
Service to retrieve and store Log(int?, int?, int?, string, string, LogFunction, LogLevel, Exception, string, params object[]) entries
- IModuleDefinitionService
Service to manage a ModuleDefinition
- IModuleService
Service to retrieve and store modules (Module)
- INotificationService
Service to store and retrieve notifications (Notification)
- IPackageService
Service to manage packages (Package)
- IPageModuleService
Service to store and retrieve a PageModule
- IPageService
Services to store and retrieve a Page
- IProfileService
Service to store and retrieve Profile entries
- ISettingService
Service to manage Settings
- ISiteService
Service to store and retrieve Site entries
- ISiteTemplateService
Service to retrieve SiteTemplate entries
- ISqlService
Service to execute a SqlQuery against the backend database
- ISyncService
Service to retrieve Sync information.
- ISystemService
Service to retrieve and update system information.
- ITenantService
Service to manage Tenants on the Oqtane installation.
- IThemeService
Service to manage Theme entries
- IUrlMappingService
Service to manage UrlMappings on a Site
- IUserService
Manage (get / update) user information