Oqtane Extension - Release Build (WIP)
These guides will help you understand how Oqtane Extensions (Themes and Modules) are packaged and distributed.
This is not about building/distributing Oqtane itself, but about packaging and distributing releases of your own Themes and Modules.
What Happens in a Release-Build?
This is the typical release.cmd
for a release-build:
del "*.nupkg"
"..\..\oqtane.framework\oqtane.package\nuget.exe" pack Oqtane.Theme.Arsha.nuspec
XCOPY "*.nupkg" "..\..\oqtane.framework\Oqtane.Server\wwwroot\Themes\" /Y
As you can see, it will
- Delete any previous Nuget packages
- Use
to pack the Nuget package instructions from the.nuspec
file - Copy the Nuget package into the
folder of the Oqtane.Server project
The same warnings apply as for the debug.cmd
- you may need to adjust paths and names.
What is a (Nuget) Package?
A package is a collection of files that are bundled together.
In Oqtane, they are distributed in a .nupkg
file, which is a Nuget package.
Internally, a Nuget package is a ZIP file with a specific structure,
so for discovery you can just rename a nuget package to .zip
and open it.
The definition of what goes inside a package is defined in a .nuspec
The compiler will call nuget.exe
and give it a NuSpec file to create the package.
➡️ see also Oqtane Extension - Nuget Package
What is a NuSpec file?
Here is an example of a .nuspec
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2010/07/nuspec.xsd">
<!-- Package information if publishing on Nuget.org -->
<!-- Nuget ID, must be unique to this extension -->
<!-- Version, Copyright, URL etc. -->
<authors>Oqtane Labs Inc</authors>
<owners>Oqtane Labs Inc</owners>
<description>Arsha Theme for Oqtane</description>
<copyright>Oqtane Labs Inc</copyright>
<license type="expression">MIT</license>
<!-- Icon file to be shown eg. on nuget.org, if published there -->
<tags>oqtane theme</tags>
Dependencies, in this case the Oqtane.Framework
- These will be listed on Nuget.org (if you publish it there)
- Oqtane may also check if they are installed before allowing installation
<dependency id="Oqtane.Framework" version="5.1.0" />
<!-- Files to be included in the package -->
<!-- DLLs and PDBs (PDBs contains line-numbers for debugging exceptions) -->
<file src="..\Client\bin\Release\net8.0\Oqtane.Theme.Arsha.Client.Oqtane.dll" target="lib\net8.0" />
<file src="..\Client\bin\Release\net8.0\Oqtane.Theme.Arsha.Client.Oqtane.pdb" target="lib\net8.0" />
<!-- All the files in your main projects wwwroot -->
<file src="..\Client\wwwroot\**\*.*" target="wwwroot" />
<!-- Icon file, located in the same folder as the nuspec file -->
<file src="icon.png" target="" />
Release Build FAQs
What is a DLL and a PDB?
A DLL is a Dynamic Link Library, which is a compiled .NET assembly. It contains the compiled code of your project, and can be executed by the .NET runtime.
A PDB is a Program Database, which contains additional information for debugging. It contains line-numbers, variable names, and other information that can be used to debug exceptions.
How can I Add more Files to the Package
If you need to add more files to the package, you can add more <file>
elements to the .nuspec
You can also use wildcards, like **\*.*
to include all files in a folder.
Make sure you don't include any unnecessary files, as they will increase the size of your package.
You will typically only want to include release files, and not include source files.
How can I change the Icon
Just replace the icon.png
in the same folder as the .nuspec
Make sure your file is really a png, and not a jpg or other format.
Daniel Mettler, @iJungleboy
[MS MVP, Oqtane Core Team]
Content Management Expert, Chief Architect of 2sxc and cre8magic.
Forged in the jungles of Indonesia, lives in Switzerland , loves Oqtane 🩸 & 2sxc 💜.
LinkedIn | Discord: @iJungleboy | Twitter: @iJungleboy | Github: @iJungleboy