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Oqtane Documentation

Here we'll explain how the documentation works, with all the magic in it.

The Basics


The Oqtane.Docs project generates the documentation for Oqtane using docfx. So for the most part, you'll want to read the docfx documentation to understand how it works.

The Source Code

This project has a src folder containing...

  1. markdown files in /pages for standalone docs pages
  2. markdown files in /apidoc for merging with XML-docs in the source of Oqtane
  3. various YAML files (.yml) which describe the navigation structure
  4. Solution (.sln) and project (.csproj) files to build the documentation
  5. docfx configurations (docfx.json and filterConfig.yml)
  6. various json configs so it also works in VS-Code

It also requires the Oqtane.Framework project to be in a sibling folder (see setup)

The Build Process

flowchart TD
    CS[Oqtane C# Source\n<code>../../oqtane.framework</code>] -->|⚙️Compiler| XD
    XD["Xml Docs\n(temp)"] --> MD["Merged API Docs\n(temp)"]
    DM[Docs Mixins\n~/apidocs] --> MD
    CONTENT[Content/Articles\n~/pages] --> Docs[Docs HTML\n../docs/]
    ASS[Assets/Images\n**/assets] --> Docs
    MD --> Docs
    TOC["TOC Files\n**/toc.yml"] --> TOCG
    Docs -->|generate| TOCG["Various TOCs\n(Tables of Contents)"]

When you build this project, it will

  1. Compile Oqtane
  2. Extract the XML documentation from Oqtane and generate YAML and markdown files
  3. Merge the generated files with the ones in this project
  4. Generate a ../docs folder with static HTML files that can be hosted anywhere

To test the generated docs locally, you'll need to host the ../docs folder on a web server. This is because there are some absolute paths used in some JavaScripts for the TOC (table of contents) and search functionality. The setup is explained below.


When pushed back to Github, Github will automatically build and deploy to


👉 continue with Setup, Build, Test and Deploy