Table of Contents

Install Using Windows, IIS Express and MS SQL Express

Step 1: Install IIS

  • Search for "Turn Windows features on or off" next to the Windows Start button.
  • Enable Internet Information Services (IIS) ensuring WebSocket Protocol is enabled and WebDAV Publishing is disabled.
  • Click OK to complete the installation.

Note: Ensure that the WebSocket Protocol is enabled and WebDAV Publishing is disabled to avoid conflicts with Blazor.

Step 2: Install Url Rewrite Module

Note: The URL Rewrite Module is necessary for configuring URL rewriting rules in IIS, which are often used in web applications like Oqtane.

Step 3: Install .NET Core Hosting Bundle

Note: The .NET Core Hosting Bundle is required for hosting .NET Core applications on Windows servers.

Step 4: Install LocalDB

  • If doing a local install and wanting to use LocalDB for development, navigate to LocalDB installation and choose the appropriate package.

Note: LocalDB is recommended for development environments but can be substituted with other database options supported by Oqtane such as SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server.

Step 5: Install Oqtane

  • Download the latest Install package from Oqtane Releases.
  • Extract the files to your desired directory.

Note: Extract the files to a directory where you plan to host your application.

Step 6: Configure IIS App Pool

  • Open "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager" by searching for it using the search icon next to your Windows Start button.

  • Expand the top node identifying your machine in the left-hand pane.

  • Right-click on Application Pools and select "Add Application Pool".

  • Provide a Name for the application pool, such as "oqtane".

  • Specify No Managed Code for the .NET CLR version.

  • Click OK.

  • In the main Application Pools pane, select the newly created pool.

  • In the right-hand Actions pane, select Advanced Settings.

  • Scroll down to Process Model and find the Identity option.

  • To ensure secure interaction with the file system and LocalDB without granting excessive privileges, it's recommended to modify the permissions of the folder containing the IIS Oqtane files to grant appropriate access to the Application Pool's identity.

    • Right-click on the folder containing the Oqtane files in Windows Explorer.
    • Select "Properties" and navigate to the "Security" tab.
    • Click on "Edit" to modify permissions.
    • Add the Application Pool's identity (e.g., IIS AppPool\oqtane) and grant it appropriate permissions, such as Modify access. This allows the application pool to write to the directory in addition to reading from it.
  • Locate the LocalDB Data Directory: By default, LocalDB databases are stored in the user's profile directory under C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Instances\{instancename}\.

    • Modify Folder Permissions:
      • Right-click on the folder containing the LocalDB database files in Windows Explorer.
      • Select "Properties" and navigate to the "Security" tab.
      • Click on "Edit" to modify permissions.
      • Click on "Add" and enter the name of the user account or group that you want to grant modify permissions to. This could be your current user account or the Application Pool's identity if it needs to write to the LocalDB files.
      • After adding the user or group, select it from the list and check the "Modify" permission checkbox under "Allow".
      • Click "Apply" and then "OK" to save the changes.

Note: For development environments, setting the App Pool's Identity to "LocalSystem" may be acceptable for simplicity and ease of setup. However, exercise caution and consider using a more granular approach for production environments to adhere to security best practices.

Step 7: Configure IIS Website

  • In IIS, right-click on Sites and select "Add Website".
  • Provide a name and choose the Application Pool created earlier.
  • Specify the path to the Oqtane files.
  • Specify a Host name, e.g., "".

Note: Ensure that the host name specified here is correctly mapped to the machine in the host file.

Step 8: Add a Host Entry

  • Open Notepad as Administrator.
  • Open the "hosts" file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.
  • Add an entry mapping the host name to, e.g., "".
  • Save the file.

Note: This step is only required for a local development environment. In shared or public environments, standard DNS configurations are used.

Step 9: Navigate to Site

  • Open your favorite browser and navigate to the specified host name, e.g.,
  • Follow the Oqtane install wizard, providing necessary database connection details and site administrator credentials.
  • Click Install.

Note: If encountering errors during the Install Wizard due to database creation permissions, consider creating the database manually before initiating the Install Wizard.

Step 10: Secure the Site (Optional)


It's essential to implement robust security measures for production applications before going live.

  1. Once the installation is complete and the site is up and running, consider implementing security measures to protect your Oqtane application.

  2. Enable HTTPS: Encrypt communication between the server and clients by enabling HTTPS. You can obtain SSL/TLS certificates from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) like Let's Encrypt or purchase one from a commercial provider. Learn more about HTTPS and security best practices from the Mozilla Server Side TLS Guidelines. Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator tool helps generate secure SSL configurations for popular web servers, including Apache, Nginx, and others. It provides recommended configurations based on Mozilla's SSL/TLS best practices.

  3. Configure Authentication and Authorization: Control access to your site's resources by configuring appropriate authentication and authorization mechanisms. You can leverage ASP.NET Core Identity for user authentication and role-based authorization. Explore additional security topics and best practices for ASP.NET Core from the ASP.NET Core security topics documentation.

  4. Implement Security Best Practices: Follow security best practices such as input validation, output encoding, and protection against common web vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

  5. Keep Software Updated: Regularly update Oqtane and its dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities and ensure that your site is protected against known threats. Stay informed about security advisories and apply patches promptly.

  6. Monitor and Respond: Monitor your site for suspicious activities and implement logging and monitoring solutions to detect and respond to security incidents effectively. Set up alerts for unusual behavior and unauthorized access attempts.

  7. Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits of your Oqtane application to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities. Perform code reviews, penetration testing, and vulnerability scanning to ensure the integrity and security of your site.


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