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HTML/Text Editor

The HTML/Text Editor module in Oqtane enables you to create, edit, and restore content using a rich text editor (WYSIWYG) and a raw HTML editor. This module is ideal for exploring Oqtane's editing and content management features, including moving modules between panes, configuring settings, and managing roles.

HTML/Text Editor

To access the HTML/Text Editor:

  1. Enter Content Editor mode by clicking the pencil icon.

    HTML/Text Editor Edit Content Mode

  2. Click the Edit Content button on the module to open the HTML/Text Editor.

    HTML/Text Editor Edit Content Button

The editor has two main tabs:

  1. Edit – Contains content editing tools.
  2. Versions – Manages past content versions with options to view, restore, and delete.

Edit Tab

The Edit tab provides three sub-tabs for different editing options:

  • Rich Text Editor – A WYSIWYG editor powered by QuillJS (v1.3.7), providing an easy way to format content visually.

    HTML/Text Editor Rich Text Editor

  • Raw HTML Editor – Enables direct HTML editing for more control over the source code.

    HTML/Text Editor Raw HTML Editor

  • Settings – Provides configuration options for the editor's features.

Rich Text Editor Settings

In the Settings sub-tab, you can customize the editor with the following options:

  • Enable Rich Text Editor? - Yes

  • Enable Raw HTML Editor? - Yes

  • Insert Images? - Yes

  • Theme: Options like "snow" theme

  • Debug Level: Example setting "info"

  • Toolbar Content: Define the editor's toolbar

    HTML/Text Editor Settings Tab

Each editor (Rich Text and HTML) includes an "Insert Image" button that opens a dialog with the following options:

HTML/Text Editor Insert Image Button

  • Select Folder – Choose the folder where images are stored.

  • Select File – Pick an image file from the selected folder.

    HTML/Text Editor Select Folder/File

Once an image file is selected, click the Insert Image button.

HTML/Text Editor Image Selected

  • Upload File – Upload new images to the selected folder by using Choose File and Upload buttons.

    HTML/Text Editor Upload File Button

If you encounter issues with uploading files, see the Troubleshooting File Manager guide.

After uploading the image to the selected folder, click the Insert Image button.

Saving Edits

After making changes in the editor, click the Save button to confirm and save the settings and content updates.

HTML/Text Editor Save Button

Versions Tab

The Versions tab displays a list of previous content versions, along with:

  • CreatedOn – The date each version was created.

  • CreatedBy – The user who created the version.

    HTML/Text Editor Versions Tab

Each version offers the following actions:

  • View – Shows the selected version's content.

    HTML/Text Editor Versions View Button

    Below is an example of what the View button will display at the bottom of the modal window.

    HTML/Text Editor Versions View Content

  • Restore – Restores the module content to this version.

    HTML/Text Editor Versions Restore Button

    After clicking Restore, you will be prompted to confirm. To proceed, click the Restore button in the confirmation window.

    HTML/Text Editor Confirm Restore Button

  • Delete – Removes the selected version from the list.

    HTML/Text Editor Versions Delete Button

    After clicking Delete, you will be prompted to confirm. To proceed, click the Delete button in the confirmation window.

    HTML/Text Editor Versions Confirm Delete Button